EPISODE #36 - The Church Is About... (Part 6: Community)

This podcast series, "The Church Is About...", covers what the church ought to be about and what Jeff and Collin hope their home church is about. And it is in a time of crisis during this time of COVID-19 that our vision and values show how important and crucial they really are, especially the value of community.

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EPISODE #35 - The Church Is About... (Part 5: A Bit More On The Gospel)

What is exactly is the "gospel"? We have been discussing it so much it is time to clarify exactly what we are talking about when we are talking about the "gospel" and what we are not talking about. In this brief episode Collin discusses the events and message of the Gospel and the distinction between the law and the gospel.

After the weekend, the guys will move to discuss two more core values in their church, community and mission, and how those values drive and shape the church and how the church is fixed and flexible with each.

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EPISODE #33 - The Church Is About... (Part 3: Valuing The Gospel)

This podcast series, “The Church Is About…” covers what the church should be about and what Jeff and Collin, who serve Redeemer Waco in Waco, TX, hope Redeemer is all about. Today, Collin briefly tackles why the church is so values the Gospel. It may sound weird to you when a church says they are “all about the Gospel”. So, Part 3 here covers a little bit about what that means.

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EPISODE #32 - The Church Is About... (Part 2: Being Fixed And Flexible)

In Part 2 of this series the guys talk about what it means to be a church that is fixed and flexible. The reality is, the Bible tells us certain things are fixed and not up for debate. Other things, however, are flexible and we have freedom to use wisdom in certain methods of how we "do" church.

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EPISODE #31 - The Church Is About... (Part 1: A Grand Gospel-Vision)

What is church all about, really? While every local church can have differences regarding specific vision in specific times and places, there are core realities that should mark a church. In this series, Jeff and Collin discuss what they hope marks the local church they serve in Texas. In Part one, the guys discuss having a grand, overarching Gospel-vision.

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EPISODE #29 - Connecting With God (Part 2 On Communion and Baptism)

We know, we know...this sounds weird. A podcast about connecting with God that talks about the Lord's Supper and Baptism? What in the world is that about? Well, give this episode a listen and you might be surprised how God uses the two New Testament sacraments, the Lord's Supper and Baptism, to give us grace and connect with us.

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EPISODE #28 - Connecting With God (Part 1 On Sermons)

Christians want to connect with God. They want to know how to connect with God on a daily basis and they want to know they are in fact connecting with God. In this series the guys are going to talk about the ways God connects with us, according to the Bible. In Part 1, they discuss a topic you wouldn’t think would be the first topic in a series like this: preaching and sermons.

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EPISODE #26 - Our Prayer And The Lord's Prayer (Part 2)

In Part 2 in this series on prayer and the Lord's Prayer, the guys discuss further why it is so hard to pray, what beliefs we have that hinder our prayer life and how the Lord's Prayer helps. They also turn to focus on the emphasis of the Kingdom of God in the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer.

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EPISODE #25 - Our Prayer And The Lord's Prayer (Part 1)

Why is it so hard to pray? Our hearts are often cold, our minds wander, and we wonder if we will ever have a solid prayer life. On this episode, the guys review a famous Silos Baking Co. cookie, discuss the difficulty of prayer, and begin to work through the wonders of the Lord's Prayer, beginning with, “Our Father…”.

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EPISODE #24 - Devil's Advocate - Spiritual Gifts

The better question about spiritual gifts is not, "Do you believe the Spirit gives gifts to Christians?" The better question is, "What gifts do you think the Bible says the Spirit is still giving out today?" On this edition of Devil's Advocate, the guys try to highlight some misconceptions about views on spiritual gifts and what gifts are still being given today.

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EPISODE #23 - What's The Virgin Birth About?

Welcome to our Advent podcast series! On this episode, the guys talk about the virgin birth as recorded in Matthew 1:18-25, an event in which God steps into our nothingness. Are you a nobody from nowhere? Good news! God loves to rescue nobodies in their nothingness.

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EPISODE #22 - Devil's Advocate - Infant Baptism

Welcome to the first edition of Devil's Advocate where one of the guys gets peppered by a devil's advocate on a tough topic. Today, Jeff gets peppered on infant baptism and he was not prepared ahead of time. So let's ask, why on earth would a church baptize an infant?

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EPISODE #21 - Love, Marriage, and Sex in Song of Solomon (Part 2)

The Song of Solomon emphasizes the joys and highs of love, marriage, and sex but it doesn't even remotely shy away from the difficulties. The reality is, when two sinners fall in love, conflict is inevitable. So, let's discuss what the Song of Solomon has to say about the conflicts.

Next Week: The Devil’s Advocate on Infant Baptism

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EPISODE #20 - Love, Marriage, and Sex in Song of Solomon (Part 1)

In Part 1 of Love, Marriage, and Sex in Song of Solomon (a 2-part podcast series), Jeff and Collin discuss some major themes in the Song of Solomon. Jeff is concluding a preaching series through the book, which is a fascinating book of the Bible as it addresses head on the realities that face us head on--love, marriage, union, sex, relational conflict, reconciliation and more.

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EPISODE #19 - How Do Christians Change? (Conclusion)

After a few weeks off, Jeff and Collin wrap up a series on sanctification and how Christians change. The big idea of sanctification is to not leave the big idea of Christianity. Don’t move on from living by faith in Jesus. He alone has the power to change hearts.

You can find all podcast episodes on iTunes, Spotify, and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com. SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW!

EPISODE #18 - How Do Christians Change? (Part 4)

In Part 4, Jeff and Collin discuss the Spirit-filled life as it is described in Romans 8. Contrary to popular opinion, the Bible does not send us on a journey to discover the secret of the Spirit-filled life; it doesn't offer steps to unlock the Spirit. But it does offer a Spirit-filled life. So, how do we have it and what does it look like?

Do us a favor and RATE, REVIEW, and SHARE this podcast! Find all episodes on iTunes and Spotify!

EPISODE #17 - How Do Christians Change? (Part 3)

In Part 1, Jeff and Collin discussed misconceptions about sanctification and in Part 2 they covered gospel-powered sanctification. In this episode, the guys talk about Romans 7 and the reality of remaining sin in the Christian life, if Christians still sin, and why sin may or may not remain in our lives.

SUBSCRIBE, REVIEW, and SHARE and find all episodes on iTunes, Spotify, and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com.

EPISODE #16 - How Do Christians Change? (Part 2)

Last week Jeff and Collin talked about major misconceptions about sanctification, touching on a moralistic or antinomian understanding of sanctification. This week, Jeff and Collin zero in more thoroughly on what gospel-driven, gospel-shaped sanctification is. In other words, what does the finished work of Jesus Christ have to do with change in the Christian life? Up next week, Jeff and Collin will tackle the reality of remaining sin in the life of the Christian.

Find all podcast episodes at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com, on iTunes, and on Spotify!

EPISODE #15 - How Do Christians Change? (Part 1)

What should you expect in your Christian life? Should you expect to still sin, struggle with sin, or defeat all sin? Should you expect to change and grow? And if so, what part do you play in changing? Welcome to our new series on sanctification where we will discuss all of that and a lot more. To kick everything off, let’s discuss common misconceptions about sanctification, the consequences of believing these misconceptions, and the good news Romans 6 brings to the discussion on sanctification.

Find all podcast episodes at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com, on iTunes, and on Spotify!