EPISODE #75 - The Justified Life and Power In Weakness

On this episode the guys reflect on Sunday’s sermon because there’s great value in intentionally chewing on the sermon you heard Sunday. They consider how the message of justification heals us and tease what’s to come for this Sunday’s sermon and how it relates to the popular podcast on the rise and fall of Mars Hill Church.

Find all episodes of The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com

EPISODE #72 - Why You Doubt God's Grace

You’ve possibly never heard of the distinction between the Law and the Gospel but I bet I can convince you it matters to you. On this episode let’s talk about how vital it is to understand the Law and the Gospel and pull a ton from Martin Luther’s Commentary On Galatians.

Check out this corresponding blog.

Rate and review the podcast and find all episodes from The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

EPISODE #71 - Reflections on Church Division and Martin Luther

Jeff and Collin review Magnolia Table, discuss what they think is at the bottom of so much church division today, including why pastors and members alike are dropping out, and reflect on a quote from Martin Luther that you need to hear.

Rate and review the podcast and find all episodes from The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

EPISODE #70 - What Is CRT?

What is CRT and why does it matter? You keep hearing about it. You don’t know what it is. Some refuse to define it. But it is worth having a grasp on because of its influence on the modern social justice movement. So, let’s talk about it by way of summarizing and responding to the book Critical Race Theory: An Introduction.

Find the corresponding blog here.

EPISODE #69 - A Biblical Perspective on Wokeness (Conclusion)

If you are a Christian, how should you think about the ideas of the modern social justice movement or “wokeness”? On this concluding episode twelve main points are covered to consider wokeness from a biblical perspective. Find the corresponding blog here.

This episode is a part of a series answering 4 major questions:

  1. What does wokenness believe about race and racism in the US? (Parts 1-3).

  2. What does wokenness want you to do? (Part 4)

  3. Is this movement reasonable, whether you’re a Christian or not? (Part 5)

  4. How should Christians in particular think about this movement? (Part 6)

Find all episodes from The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

EPISODE #68 - The Reasoning of Wokeness

Whether you are a Christian or not, how should you think about the reasoning of the modern social justice movement (or “wokeness”)? On this episode the assumptions, reinterpretations, faulty logic, and contradictions of wokeness are all considered. Check out the corresponding blog here.

This episode is a part of a series answering 4 major questions:

  1. What does wokenness believe about race and racism in the US? (Parts 1-3).

  2. What does wokenness want you to do? (Part 4)

  3. Is this movement reasonable, whether you’re a Christian or not? (Part 5)

  4. How should Christians in particular think about this movement? (Part 6)

Find all episodes from The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

EPISODE #67 - What Does It Mean To Be An "Antiracist"?

What does it mean to be an “antiracist”? If you adopt the worldview of the modern social justice (woke) movement, what are you being called to actually do? It’s not quite what you’d guess based on the term alone. Find the corresponding blog here.

This episode is Part 4 of a podcast series that answers 4 major questions:

  1. What does wokenness believe about race and racism in the US? (Parts 1-3).

  2. What does wokenness want you to do? What does it mean to be an antiracist? (Part 4)

  3. Is this movement reasonable, whether you’re a Christian or not? (Part 5)

  4. How should Christians in particular think about this movement? (Part 6)

Find all episodes from The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

EPISODE #66 - The Good Samaritan and Fault Lines

On this episode the guys talk about common misunderstandings of the parable of the Good Samaritan and the principal purpose of the story, offer a book review of Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham, and Jeff teases his upcoming sermon on the real reason we should pray.

00:00 The Good Samaritan
10:24 Fault Lines Book Review
25:19 Upcoming Sermon Teaser

Find all episodes from The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

EPISODE #65 - What Does It Mean To Be Woke? (Part 3, Conclusion)

What does being “woke” mean? What does the modern social justice movement believe, particularly about race and racism in the US? If there is one thing that makes sense to you concerning this conversation it is that maybe nothing makes sense. If you are curious to know what the modern social justice movement believes about race and racism in America, this is the podcast series for you. In the first three episodes Collin explains what the leading voices in this movement are saying, pulling directly from top books like Color of Compromise (Jemar Tisby), White Fragility (Robin DiAngelo), and How To Be An Anti-Racist (Ibram Kendi).

This podcast series will answer 4 major questions:

  1. What does wokenness believe about race and racism in the US? (Parts 1-3).

  2. What does wokenness want you to do? (Part 4)

  3. Is this movement reasonable, whether you’re a Christian or not? (Parts TBD)

  4. How should Christians in particular think about this movement? (Parts TBD)

Find all episodes from The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

Check out the corresponding blog here.

EPISODE #64 - What Does It Mean To Be Woke? (Part 2)

What does being “woke” mean? What does the modern social justice movement believe, particularly about race and racism in the US? If there is one thing that makes sense to you concerning this conversation it is that maybe nothing makes sense. If you are curious to know what the modern social justice movement believes about race and racism in America, this is the podcast series for you. In the first three episodes Collin explains what the leading voices in this movement are saying, pulling directly from top books like Color of Compromise (Jemar Tisby), White Fragility (Robin DiAngelo), and How To Be An Anti-Racist (Ibram Kendi).

This podcast series will answer 4 major questions:

  1. What does wokenness believe about race and racism in the US? (Parts 1-3).

  2. What does wokenness want you to do? (Parts TBD)

  3. Is this movement reasonable, whether you’re a Christian or not? (Parts TBD)

  4. How should Christians in particular think about this movement? (Parts TBD)

Find all episodes from The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

Check out the corresponding blog here.

EPISODE #63 - What Does It Mean To Be Woke? (Part 1)

What does being “woke” mean? What does the modern social justice movement believe, particularly about race and racism in the US? If there is one thing that makes sense to you concerning this conversation it is that maybe nothing makes sense. If you are curious to know what the modern social justice movement believes about race and racism in America, this is the podcast series for you. In the first three episodes Collin explains what the leading voices in this movement are saying, pulling directly from top books like Color of Compromise (Jemar Tisby), White Fragility (Robin DiAngelo), and How To Be An Anti-Racist (Ibram Kendi).

This podcast series will answer 4 major questions:

  1. What does wokenness believe about race and racism in the US? (Parts 1-3).

  2. What does wokenness want you to do? (Parts TBD)

  3. Is this movement reasonable, whether you’re a Christian or not? (Parts TBD)

  4. How should Christians in particular think about this movement? (Parts TBD)

Find all episodes from The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

Check out the corresponding blog here.

EPISODE #62 - On Spiritual Zombies, "Changing The World", and The Need to Rest

On this episode Jeff and Collin introduce a new way episodes will play out each week. Each episode will now include differing segments. This week, the guys give another local BBQ review, talk about some of the nuts and bolts (the “sweat” of the text) of the upcoming Sunday’s sermon text, the idea of "changing the world", and the need for rest as Christians.

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

EPISODE #61 - The (Actual) Character of God, Judges, and Galatians

We’re back! In this introduction to this next season of podcasts we give some quick summer highlights, a local BBQ review on Guess BBQ, and Jeff talks a bit about why he is preaching on the (actual) character of God and the importance of the books of Judges and Galatians in our culture today.

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com!

EPISODE #60 - How To Pick A Church (Pt. 6 On Leaving A Church)

There are many reasons people want to leave a church and/or should leave a church. When does an issue rise to the level of justifying leaving a church? This is a big question that may require a lot of thought and counsel. In this final part of this series the guys begin to tackle this subject.

This series is about how to pick a church. How do you pick a church, thrive at a local church, and when is it appropriate to leave a church? These are questions that press and weigh on many Christians, so let's talk about it.

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com

EPISODE #59 - The Gospel Arc

No big deal but Jeff's book just dropped, so let's talk about it and how it helps non-preachers and preachers!

We need more than ever to be spoken back to life again. Our endless forms of self-activation in the church and culture today have proven to do little more than exhaust us, make us anxious, and ultimately disappoint and depress us. Despite our impressive effort, preaching has not escaped this prison of self-entanglement. Snoozing in the pew is now the good ol' days as more and more people report a pathological aversion to preaching. Perhaps there is a common thread--leaving Jesus behind. Leaving Jesus behind is the broken pattern of every human heart, even the preacher's. The Gospel Arc preaching model seeks to take Jesus with you in preaching. It is preaching that experiences Jesus with the Bible. Practically, the Gospel Arc helps biblical communicators discover and display the "Textual Jesus" from Genesis to Revelation, thereby unleashing divine energies to wake up the snoozer and finally electrify the self-activator. Taking Jesus with you in preaching changes everything. Even preachers. "Can these bones live?" God probes the preacher. Suffering from the inability to maintain a ministry, the preacher gives a lame non-answer. "Preach to bones!" God startles the preacher. As he does, stranger things happen. The bones live (Ezek 37:1-14).

Buy The Gospel Arc Here

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com

EPISODE #58 - How To Pick A Church (Pt. 5 On Community & Mission)

Let’s say you had a bunch of churches that all had solid foundational beliefs but you could only evaluate a couple things at each church before choosing to plant down at one. What would you evaluate? In Part 5 Jeff and Collin talk about a church’s orientation towards community and mission. Next week the guys will conclude this series talking about when and how to leave a church.

This series is about how to pick a church. How do you pick a church, thrive at a local church, and when is it appropriate to leave a church? These are questions that press and weigh on many Christians, so let's talk about it.

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com

EPISODE #57 - How To Pick A Church (Pt. 4 On Worship)

Let’s say you had a bunch of churches that all had solid foundational beliefs but you could only evaluate a couple things at each church before choosing to plant down at one. What would you evaluate? In Part 4 Jeff and Collin begin to talk about a church’s worship, community, and mission. This series is about how to pick a church. How do you pick a church, thrive at a local church, and when is it appropriate to leave a church? These are questions that press and weigh on many Christians, so let's talk about it.

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com

EPISODE #56 - How To Pick A Church (Pt. 3)

Let’s say you had a bunch of churches that all had solid foundational beliefs but you could only evaluate one thing at each church before choosing to plant down at one. What would you evaluate? In Part 3 Jeff and Collin answer that question. This series is about how to pick a church. How do you pick a church, thrive at a local church, and when is it appropriate to leave a church? These are questions that press and weigh on many Christians, so let's talk about it.

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com