EPISODE #127 - The Teachings of Bill Gothard and IBLP (Part 1)

Maybe you’ve never heard of the Institute In Basic Life Principles (IBLP) but perhaps you've seen the recent documentary, "Shiny Happy People", about the Duggar family and IBLP. And if you're an evangelical Christian you've probably come into contact, in one form or another, with the teachings of the former leader of IBLP, Bill Gothard. In this first episode in a series about IBLP, a former member of the movement discusses the core teachings of Bill Gothard and IBLP, examining whether or not they do in fact teach historic Christianity.

Show Notes and Supporting Documents:

About the “Umbrella” of Authority

About “Rhemas”

EPISODE #123 - Is Violence Always Sinful?

Should individual Christians hold to a non-violent ethic, believing that to be violent is always sinful? Can a Christian practice self-defense or defense of others if it means being violent? Can a Christian own and carry a weapon? Can a Christian be in a profession that may require violence, such as being a police officer? The guys talk about all of this and more in this episode.

EPISODE #119 - What To Expect With Your Walk With God

What if we are expecting not too little but too much with our walk with God? Many Christians seem to be expecting to experience what we will only experience once we are glorified and they are left disappointed again and again. And what if the ways in which we are seeking to connect with God are not ways given to us in the Bible? Many Christians are told to connect with God through means not prescribed in the Bible and they are left disappointed again and again. But what if there is a better way forward in your daily walk with God, a way forward that doesn’t leave you feeling so disappointed week after week? Let’s talk about it.

EPISODE #115 - How to Read the Bible Like Jesus

If you’re like us, you’ve cracked open the Bible, read a bit, understood little, and then closed it to move on with your day. Reading and understanding the Bible can be so easy sometimes and so hard at other times. In this episode, Jeff and Collin discuss how understanding the big picture of the Bible will immediately help you understand the specific verses or passage you’re reading.

EPISODE #114 - Is Your Sanctification Up to You or God?

Is your growth in the Christian life up to you, up to God, or is it the result of God teaming up with you?

Our views of how sanctification takes place in our lives greatly affects our practical, daily lives and it can even affect our understanding of our justification. It is vital to understand who is sanctifying who in the Christian life. Let’s talk about it!

EPISODE #112 - Say The Prayer and Surrender All

Whether it’s praying a certain prayer, walking an isle, or cleaning your life up by surrendering all, we are tempted to think we can secure God’s acceptance of us. We think we can justify ourselves to some degree. In this series Jeff and Collin will discuss popular ways we try both justify ourselves (i.e. secure God’s acceptance) and sanctify ourselves (i.e. become more like Christ).

EPISODE #111 - Why You Must Know About the Invisible World

Our American culture has opened itself back up to the idea that there might be much more to our world and reality than meets the eye. But Christians have known this from the beginning and Christians must understand the invisible world. The Bible regularly talks about it and ultimately does so for our encouragement and comfort. In this conclusion to this series Jeff and Collin will discuss the invisible realm and why we must understand it.

EPISODE #110 - Angels and the Invisible Realm

What are angels and how should we think about them? Our American culture has opened itself back up to the idea that there might be much more to our world and reality than meets the eye. But Christians have known this from the beginning. In this series Jeff and Collin will discuss the invisible realm in general and demons and angels in particular, so buckle up!

EPISODE #109 - Demons and the Invisible Realm (Part 2)

What are demons and how should we think about the invisible realm? Our American culture has opened itself back up to the idea that there might be much more to our world and reality than meets the eye. But Christians have known this from the beginning. In this series Jeff and Collin will discuss the invisible realm in general and demons and angels in particular, so buckle up!

*Please forgive some audio issues on this episode.