Being on the Forefront of Christianity

It is easy and normal to think that churches and denominations are wildly different. For instance, the charismatics are nothing like the cessationists. The Episcopalian church with the organ is nothing like the young, hip cussing-pastor church. But beneath the surface there is a commonality we share that can show itself in wildly different forms.

The commonality we all share is our longing for glory. God has “put eternity into man's heart” (Eccl. 3:11). We long to be “glorified” (Rom. 8:30). We are made for life with God, longing for it whether we know it or not, and Christians are headed for it for certain. It is right that we long for it because it isn’t here yet. We aren’t in glory yet. However, Christians often seek to taste that glory now and then prop themselves up as those on the forefront of Christianity. “I have tasted a special, divine glory! Have you? Let me teach you my secrets.”

We think we are on the forefront of Christianity because of our spiritual disciplines. If only people would practice Bible reading and prayer like me, at the right time of day, for the right length of time. Then they would know the glory I know. We think we are on the forefront of Christianity because of our church music. If they would stop using an organ (or the drums), they might experience God’s presence. We think we are on the forefront of Christianity because of our experiences. I know how to tap into the presence and power of the Holy Spirit unlike most churches. If only people would surrender more and believe stronger, then they could be on the forefront with me. We think we are on the forefront of Christianity because of our small group practices. If only people would be in a weekly small group, confess all their sins to their small group, and avoid having serious friends outside of their small group, then they would be on the forefront of life with God.

Obviously, reading the Bible and praying, being in a small group, and being filled with the Spirit are good things. We just love to make them new works that we do that put us ahead of everyone else. On and on we could go with the ways we think we are on the forefront of Christianity, ahead of most Christians and churches due to our practices and our works.

But in comes the Bible to point out our error in order to reset us, encourage us, and comfort us. In comes a passage like Gal. 3:2-3 telling us that we have life with God here and now not because of what we do or some spiritual secret but because of the work of Jesus alone. “Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?” For our purposes here, we could say it like this, Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by having a faithful ‘quiet time’ or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by your elite spiritual techniques that tap you into the Holy Spirit?

It is encouraging and comforting to know that we were justified and received the Spirit by faith and we continue our life with God, in the Spirit, by faith. We continue the Christian life looking not to ourselves, our small group practices, our mission efforts, our ‘surrendering all’, but to Jesus alone. Jesus is the forefront of Christianity. By faith, you began on the forefront of Christianity because you began with Jesus. Stand firm, don’t lose hope, because one day in due time you will stand in the presence of Jesus in glory.