Praying In Distress: How Much Better Is God?

Before praying, don’t take for granted the power and guidance of Jesus’ words in Mt. 6:7-8: “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” In Christ, you come to the Father who is ready, willing, and able to help you, provide for you, and care for you. So, pray like that’s true, because it is.

The Lord’s Prayer starts like this: “Our Father in heaven…” What good news, that we come to God as our Father. We are not told by Jesus to begin, “Our Creator…”, “Our Judge…”, or “Our King…”, though all of that would be appropriate. No, we are told to come to God as our Father and to address him as Father. This means you come to God as his child, through Jesus. 

How do children talk to their parents and make requests of their parents? By looking to their parents dependently. Now, I know you’re thinking about how your little ones think they don’t need you, often disrespect you, and at all costs avoid the word “please”. But that is not the point here. The point is that children know, in their gut, they need their parents. They know they are dependent and have to constantly look to another for help, provision, and fulfillment.

And how does a good dad or a good mom respond to their needy kids? By being present with them, by listening to their hurts, by providing for their every need, and by protecting them. A good dad or mom not only provides for what their kid(s) ask for but goes above and beyond. A good dad or mom is always 4-107 steps ahead of their child, knowing their every needs, know needs they have that they won’t even discover they have until they move off the college.

How much better is God, our Father, than we are? “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! (see Mt. 7:7-11). Think about how much you love your own child, what you’d be willing to do for them. Now, if you compared your love for your child to the Father’s love for you, it would make your love for your child look like hatred. Not because you don’t love them but because the Father’s love is the kind of love that sends His only, eternal Son to die for you. If the Father was willing to give you the eternal Son of God, how much more willing is he to provide every other need you have?

The following is meant to help you pray along with this part of the Lord’s Prayer: 

God, we come to you not as a God who has all power but who is not good or willing to care for us. We come to you as a God who has all power and who is powerfully good and powerfully caring, like a good father. Thank you that you are the God who rules over COVID-19 and who is also our loving, tender Father. As our Father, you work all things for our good when everything seems out of control. Thank you for sending your eternal Son, Jesus Christ, to be our righteousness, die our punishing death on our behalf, and raise for our salvation, so that we might be able to pray even now.”

Pray For Others – “Father, I pray for … that he/she/they would know you as their Father, through Jesus Christ; that they would trust you and know you as powerfully good and powerfully caring. Take away their fears in the knowledge that you are the God who rules over COVID-19. Give them rest and comfort knowing you work all things for our good. I pray that you would give them faith, or strengthen their faith, in Jesus Christ as our righteousness and life.”