As a Christian, are you realizing your sin is worse than you think? Are you realizing that the power of sin is more powerful than you ever thought? Good. That means you are understanding sin more biblically. Commenting on Israel’s insatiable pull towards sin in the book of Judges, Dale Ralph Davis comments:
“Sin is not simply an action you do or fail to do, that you can choose to do or not to do. Sin is a power that holds you in its grip. That is precisely what the apostle meant when he averred that all – both Jew and Gentile, both religious man and pagan man – are ‘under sin’ (Rom. 3:9), by which he means ‘under the power of sin’ (RSV). And until the church gets a proper view of sin, we will never see salvation as much more than a moving religious charade rather than as an act of a holy, vicious violence by which Christ wrenches his people out of the clammy clutches of the prince of darkness (cf. 1 John 3:8).” (Judges, page 42).