EPISODE #94 - Justification (Bible Basics Series)

It is easy to treat the doctrine of justification as what we learn as we enter the Kingdom of God but what is just fine to forget as a Christian. But the reality is that, as Martin Luther said, we need to incessantly hear the message of justification. So, what is justification and why is it central to Christianity, the church, and the daily Christian life? Let’s talk about it.

EPISODE #93 - What Is Faith? (Bible Basics Series)

Faith often becomes yet another "work" Christians think they need to do for God. Faith often becomes something we think we need to harness and grow in order to make God work in our lives. But biblically speaking, what is faith? Let's talk about it!

**We apologize for the audio issues that start about halfway through. We went to seminary, not a technical school, so we do not know why that issue occurs nor how to fix it.**

EPISODE #91 - Who Is Our Mediator? (Bible Basics Series)

The covenant of works was broken and sinners stand in need of reconciliation. Who will mediate between God and man? In other words, as the guys recently discussed covenant theology, who is the substance of the covenant of grace? On this episode Jeff and Collin discuss who Jesus is as our mediator.

“For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.” 1 Tim. 2:5-6

EPISODE #90 - What Is Covenant Theology? (Bible Basics Series)

What’s up with the one command given to Adam and Eve in the garden and why do you personally feel like you just can never measure up? On this episode Jeff and Collin briefly mention interesting books they have been reading and then dig into the architectural structure of the whole Bible: covenant theology. Specifically, they discuss what is the covenant of works and what is the covenant grace.

EPISODE #89 - The Creation Account (Bible Basics Series)

Have you ever wondered if the world has always been as dark as it is? Have you ever wondered if the darkness will ever break to light? The creation is account in Gen. 1-2 tells us about the true legend of the world before the darkness of the fall and points us to look forward to life after sin is done away with.

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com.

EPISODE #87 - Why Baptize Infants?

We did not grow up in the "infant baptism” world. So it’s interesting that we recently hosted an event at our church, Redeemer Waco, on infant baptism. A local Christian baptist pastor, Drake Osborn from Grace Church, came in to explain his position in favor of “believers-only baptism” (in opposition to infant baptism). Jeff then presented our church’s position in favor of baptizing believers and their infants, giving everyone a clear understanding of both sides. You can find the whole event recording here. This episode is a follow up, including some areas where Jeff and Collin see holes or missteps in the opposing argument.

EPISODE #86 - Is Doctrine A Distraction From Jesus?

Why care about doctrine? Isn’t it just a distraction from Jesus? Just give me Jesus, not doctrine, we think. Why can’t I just walk with Jesus and not stress out about (dry) doctrine? Why can’t I just let the Spirit lead me and not worry so much about theology? These are great questions that drive us to figure out why doctrine matters and really why the Bible matters so much in our personal relationship with Jesus as we walk by the Spirit.

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com

EPISODE #85 - Chaos, Unity, Preferences, and Redeemer Waco

On this episode the guys discuss what has been going on on the ground at their church the past two years. Redeemer Waco and most churches have had to walk through multiple cataclysmic events in a very short amount of time. Some have probably imploded, some have probably split, and some have maybe come out stronger. But everyone has learned something about themselves.

Find all episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com.

EPISODE #83 - What Does "Limited" Atonement Mean? (A Tough Theological Topic)

Have you heard of the theological acronym "TULIP"? If you're familiar with the "L" in TULIP, it stands for "limited" atonement. What in the world is that referring to, is it even a good term, and how is the message of the atonement encouraging (because it should be!)? Let's talk about it.

EPISODE #81 - Can You Lose Your Salvation? (A Tough Theological Topic)

Some questions are hard to ask. They carry a weight of terror. "Can I lose my salvation?" is one of those questions. On this episode the guys open by talking a bit about joy and then answer whether or not we can lose our salvation.

Scriptures for Reference:

John 10:28-30 "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one.”

Rom. 8:30 "And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified."

Jude 1:24 "Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy..."

Phil. 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.“

EPISODE #80 - Total Depravity (A Tough Theological Topic)

How sinful are we? Are we basically good but just do bad things? If Jesus left salvation up to us, would we ever choose him? "Total depravity" is about these kinds of questions and more. On this episode the guys tackle a tough theological topic: the nature of our sinfulness and how exactly we come to faith in Jesus in the first place.

EPISODE #78 - The Deepest Heart of God

What is God really like? We naturally assume God is angry. That makes sense. But even Christians, who know God is gracious, struggle to know his deepest heart. We think we are saved based on the technicality of Jesus and God has grown tired of us and if He could, He’d take it all back. So, what is God’s deepest heart towards you? Let’s talk about it.

Find all episodes of The Good News Cast wherever you listen to podcasts and at www.goodnewsnotgoodadvice.com

EPISODE #76 - Beeline From The Cross?

A while back Dr. John Piper put out an article critiquing some ideas and notions about “preaching Christ”. This matters for the normal Christian because it determines what kind of sermons you should be listening to. The article argues that preaching ought to make a “beeline from the cross”. What does this mean and why does it really, really matter? Because the article seems to miss the central focus of the Bible. Let’s talk about.

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