Mysteriously Secure

In September 2020 my family and I were in Pensacola, FL living the good vacation life on the beach. Hurricane Sally was in the Gulf at this time moving at a snail’s pace and was going to hit the US just west of us. Nothing to worry about. However, over 2-3 days Sally moved more and more east, heading almost directly for our condo. It just so happens that Hurricane Ivan in 2004, at the exact same time, wiped out the little town we were staying in. My fear grew, knowing I had to make the right choice for my young kids who would be helpless in a bad situation. I watched as the ocean crept up something like 50 yards, ominously out of my view on the other side of a dune designed to hold back the beast of the ocean. Nothing was fun, I was busy trying to figure out what to do, I wasn’t smiling much, I felt insecure.

Now imagine with me if in that moment someone knocked on my door. I open the door to high winds and rain and a man is standing at my door in a bathing suit and sandals, smiling, and says, “Hey, I just wanted to see if I could help you with anything?” What would I think about that guy? What would you think? I would have at least two thoughts about him: First, he is not busy trying to secure his own life. He is just standing there…in sandals. Second, he must have everything he needs because he is at my door to help me. This is a mysterious man, not busy getting ready for the hurricane, smiling in a storm, lending a helping hand.

Phil. 1:27-30 calls you and me to be mysterious people. Mysterious people who stand firm smiling even as the flood waters rise.

Paul begins Phil. 1:27 calling us to “let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ…”. Essentially, you are not a citizen of the Kingdom of God, so live accordingly. Supreme, this means to live a “to live is Christ” kind of life. Trusting in Jesus for eternal life, enjoying Him, and making Him known. Paul gets more specific saying he wants to see the Philippians, in the midst of their hurricane of suffering, “…standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God.” Paul calls you and me to stand. A person standing in the face of opponents is a person who is secured. To strive for the faith in our own life is to strive to live a life not busy securing our own life but striving to stand firm in the security we have been given.  

For the Philippians to stand firm in the face of their opponents is mysterious to their opponents. “Why are these Philippians so cool, calm, and collected in the midst of a hurricane, why are they smiling, and why are they offering to help others? Maybe they know something or have something we don’t. Maybe we’re on the wrong side here.”

We naturally think we need to be busy securing our own life here on earth and for eternity. Either a hurricane has arrived in our lives or we know one, like earthly suffering or eternal death, may be coming. It’s time to get busy and work hard. But Paul says to stand and to strive to rest.

How can Paul call us to stand firm? Because “salvation” is “…from God.” Paul goes on in Phil. 1:29: “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake…” It has been granted to you means that even your faith in Christ is a gracious gift from God. It has been granted to you means that even the horrible circumstances surrounding you are controlled by God for your good. We naturally think we need to be busy securing our own life and suffering only heightens that sense. But Paul tells us to stand firm on God because God has accomplished salvation, God is working in us, and God controls the world around us.

Stand firm because you have what you need in God. And you have what you need in God because Jesus willingly laid down his life at the hands of His opponents, letting himself be destroyed by his opponents, and ultimately by the wrath of the Father, so that you and I can no longer be opponents of God headed for destruction but friends of God headed for glory in His presence. Stand firm in the face of assaulting circumstances, brutal temptation, and painful relationships. Stand still in all that Jesus has graciously given to you, even in the midst of a hurricane.

When you are secured in Christ – having eternal life and forgiveness from God – you are now the mysterious person who in the middle of a hurricane can stand firm at someone’s else’s door to help. You have everything you need so you’re not busy running around trying to impress God with your life. You’re standing in the righteousness of Christ. You have everything you need, so you’re free to run around to see who needs a helping hand. Strive to stand firm in the Gospel of rest in Christ.